Gay sex and cuising in Illinois

USA > Illinois

Lanky, lean gentleman dom Top in Joliet, Illinois

Now who would like to be next in line to be blessed by my magic wand ? It’s lengthy, thick, and filled with something yummy for you to taste haha!! I’m 31 years old, and I live here in Joliet, Illinois, about 50 minutes from Chicago. I used to live in Chitown. It’s gotten a little TOO quiet for my liking. I need some more spice in my life …

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Chunky man ready for riding – Streamwood, IL

As you can see, I am this chubby man who ate way too much PB&J sandwiches as a kid and who still does from time to time lol. I am a bisexual always ready to try new stuff. I am mostly a top, but I’ve had eye opening experiences lately that make me want to push the exploration further. If you’re okay with it, I’d like to grab a beer or something …

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46 YO single man balcony tanning Springfield, IL

I am a 46 years old man; I should have the right to sun bathe in my birthday suit if I want to.

Just like you should have the right to have an affair with me. I meet most of my hook ups in bars around the area. So many are married and looking for a little taste of gay freedom. Of course, I happily offer them by inviting them over to my place to have some sex. I feel like it is my duty to please those sexually frustrated me …

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