Gay sex and cuising in Nebraska

USA > Nebraska

Arched blond bottom on campas in Omaha, NE

I’m a young little manwhore that’s been used as a fuck toy countless times so, I’ve gotten practice and have been able to perfect my craft, what do you think? My name is Kellen, I’m 22, and I’m currently living on campus at the University of Nebraska in Omaha, NE. I’ve got a dorm suite all to myself so, you can tell me…

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Gay or not, play with my magnum stick Omaha

I’ll let you guess what’s my favorite type of ice cream bars. Nothing but magnum ! And I bet that after you’ve had my big and hard cock inside your mouth, you want want to have any normal size fudge bar. Once you go magnum you never go back. And imagine, on this picture, I did not even had a full hard-on …

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Chill introvert with cut body and uncut cock, NE

I’m always going commando. That way, my uncut cock is free to hang loose and always easy to access. However, that is sometimes an issue as I might be masturbating so many times a day that I can barely get anything done. I’m just always so fucking horny ! If only I had some company. We would see each other on weekends and spend hours …

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